Pandit / Pandit Gorkha |
NA |
- Only For Hindu Candidates,
- Sahastri / Acharya in Sanskrit with Karam Kand as on the Main / Core Subject OR
- One Year Diploma in Karam Kand.
Granthi |
NA |
- Only For Sikh Candidates,
- Bachelor Degree in Any Stream in Any Recognized University in India.
- Individual should have ‘Gyani’ in Punjabi.
Padre |
NA |
- Only For Christian Candidates,
- Bachelor Degree in Any Stream in Any Recognized University in India.
- Individual should have been ordained priesthood by the appropriate ecclesiastical authority and is on the approved list of the local Bishop.
Maulvi (Shia) |
NA |
- Only For Musilm Candidates,
- Bachelor Degree in Any Stream in Any Recognized University in India.
- Individual should have Alim in Arabic or Adeeb-e-Mahir / Urdu Mahir in Urdu.
Bodh Monk |
NA |
- Only For Buddhist Male Candidates,
- Bachelor Degree in Any Stream in Any Recognized University in India.
- Who have been ordained Monk / Buddhist Priest, by the Appropriate Authority. The term Appropriate Authority will mean Head Priest of the Monastery where the person has been initiated into priesthood. The head priest should be in possession of Geshe (PhD) of Khanpa or Lopon or Rabjam with proper certificate from Monastery.
Havildar Surveyor Automated Cartographer |
NA |
- 12th Passed with PCM (50% Marks), BA / B.SC with Mathematics OR
- 12th Passed with PCM (50% Marks), BE / B.Tech Degree in Civil / Electronic / Electrical / Instrumentation / Mechanical / Computer Technology / Computer Science.